Summer Camps
Summer 2025 will be Christian Outdoor Alliance’s 24th summer of our Adventure Camps! We have helped thousands of children find and/or build on their relationship with Christ since the inception of our summer camp program in 2002. We continue to grow and the future has never looked brighter. Our trained camp counselors and volunteer ministers, continue to be very successful in helping our campers grow spiritually and have a better appreciation for the Bible. Our camp home is located in the beautiful Texas Hill Country, right across from the historic YO Ranch. Find us on Google Maps: 3568 Highway 41, Mountain Home, TX 78058.
A typical day of COA Camp:
This unique camp offers a week on a Texas Hunting Ranch, with an opportunity to kill an exotic trophy, exotic doe, hog, or ram. For most sessions, campers arrive Sunday afternoon and depart the following Saturday morning. The price of camp depends on what animal you want to hunt,(prices listed below). Campers range in age from 9-16 years old with about 20 campers per session. The Texas Hunter Education Course is offered at camp, no need to be certified to come to camp. Every day we spend time hunting, swimming, shooting, games, fishing, and group devotional time with awesome kids and counselors! Our schedule is relaxed depending on how the hunting leads us. We end the week with camper favorites; a wild game dinner, skeet shoot competition, and S’mores by the campfire.
We have witnessed firsthand, the interpersonal skills the campers develop with their peers and counselors to help each other grow closer to Christ. We encourage the campers to keep up their daily walk with Christ throughout the school year and eagerly await their stories at the next summer camp. COA strives to ensure that all of its activities adhere to strict safety standards. COA models its safety policies after the Texas Youth Hunting Program, NRA, and other established programs.
Check out Christian Outdoor Alliance Facebook page (www.facebook.com/mycoa) to see pictures of past camps and stay up to date with the latest happenings!

Select Camp Session and click on date to
Register Below
Sign Up!
This is a sample email sent to parents. It has a lot of information, but the best way to answer the FAQs.
Howdy COA Camper Parents,
Your session will begin Sunday, (insert your session) with the arrival time between 3-4 pm. Camp is over the following Saturday morning, with a pickup time between 10-11 am.
The camp address is 3568 Hwy 41, Mountain Home, TX 78058. We are directly across from the historic YO Ranch and will have camp signs in front of the gate.
If you have any questions of the balance of camp, after the deposit (you paid with registration), please let us know- it will depend on what animal your camper is going for. Raffle ticket stubs and sale money will be due at the beginning of camp. You can contact me to pay the balance or pay it on PayPal (PayPal email: coa@mycoa.org), or Venmo (username: @C-O-A), mail a check, or bring the final payment with you at drop off.
All medications brought need to be checked in with Camp Nurse (Amy), they will need to be in labeled original containers. Please complete the attached medication form and bring it with the meds to be given at camp. This form is requested at drop off and not ahead of time because of frequent med changes between time of registration and actual week camp.
Hunter Education class will be given to any camper who has not already taken it. It is part of the COA camp, and no additional charge. TXPWD has a separate on-line registration. Click on the link below (or copy & paste into search engine) to register your camper for hunter ed. They do not mail the certificates anymore- it’s on their website to be printed, but once it’s in the system, it will automatically update on your hunting license purchased from then on. Link will be emailed specifically to each session.
We will make room assignments to accommodate requests and similar ages as best we can. There are four bunk rooms, and all beds are twin size bunk beds. There will be one or two counselors in each bunk room. Duffle bags or trunks work well to keep their stuff together (but who am I kidding- they are little tornados!)
We will have a simple concession stand available to buy candy and soda & Gatorades- but it’s just for treats- we will have the best camp food including a wild game dinner the last night to celebrate the week. Campers are welcome to bring snacks from home.... but be prepared to share. We will collect money at drop off to start a tab for concessions, so the kids don’t have to hold cash.
Camp packing list is a suggested guideline, please don’t go buy a bunch of stuff for camp. We have plenty of gear and would be glad to share. The list is on our website www.mycoa.org below this block.
WE WILL COLLECT ALL PHONES- Campers will be given an opportunity to call home once when they get their animal. Most likely will call from my phone, Amy's cell 210-875-0889.
GUNS/AMMO & BOWS/ARROWS: We have several camp guns for your camper to use for target practice and hunting. However, you are welcome to bring your own gun, but if you do, please bring the matching ammo too. You can also bring your own bow and arrows. Label everything! We will collect the guns, ammo, bows, and arrows to store in the safe room.
During the week we will do our best to post everyone with their hunting success on the COA Facebook page, but please be patient with us, it is hunting... so everyone will get their animal at different times. Feel free to call or text 210-875-0889 and check in with us any time and I will do my best to return calls quickly. We will collect camper phones to improve personal interaction as part of the camp experience.
When you come to pick up your camper on Saturday morning, bring an ice chest with a little bit of ice. Depending on what they shoot, they will go home with meat or head or hide or a combo of them. Taxidermy and processing are not part of COA camp. We skin & quarter the animal, but the remaining processing is up to you. The rams or bucks can either be prepped for full shoulder mount or Euro (skull) mount. We will ask this before it’s skinned, so we can do it how you want, as you will take it home and use a taxidermist of your choice (or do a Euro yourself). If you want the ram meat, please let us know in advance, otherwise we will donate it. If you want the hog skull, please let us know. Exotic Does we will send hide and meat. Any other specifications, please let us know ahead of time. We do have a taxidermist who will come to camp to pick up the heads for mounting- it is not a part of camp, and we will give him your name and number for payment and mounting instructions.
Summer Camp Packing List
Packing List for COA Summer Camp (suggested packing list…we all know
First of all- you are welcome to bring your own gun, ammo, and hunting knife- but all must be labeled and if you can, pack separately, because we will collect these first and store in our locked gun room. Guns will be collected by our staff during drop off on the East side of the house. You can bring your own fishing pole & tackle box also- please label!!! It’s helpful, but not necessary to have your own hunting gear. Many campers bring hunting back packs with their own binoculars, etc… but again, please LABEL EVERYTHING!!!!!! *You will need a hunting license (in-state youth license cost $7 and you can get at any Wal-mart or sporting goods store) Campers will need to keep the hunting license with you when you go out hunting.
Bedding- PILLOW- sleeping bag or twin sheets & blanket Comfy clothes for the week of playing outside
Toiletries (don’t forget your toothbrush) 6-7 T-shirts
3 towels & 2 washcloths 4-5 shorts
Laundry bag 3-4 hunting clothes- jeans & camo/dark shirts
Sunscreen & bug spray 2 pairs pajamas
Sturdy shoes for hunting (athletic shoes or boots) 7-8 pairs underwear
Water Shoes for pond (totally optional) 7-8 pairs of socks
Bible & pen/pencil 1-2 swimsuits
Optional- $ for concession stand (everything is $1.50- we will make tabs at drop off)
Don’t forget your Hunting License
What NOT to Bring- Phones, Electronics, Vapes, Drugs, or Alcohol We will collect all phones. Tell the campers not to panic! We want to encourage actual conversations and a social media drama free week. COA will post pictures on the COA FB page for parents and friends to follow during the week. We will let them use a staff’s phone, usually Amy’s to get clarification, if needed, on how you want the game prepped for taxidermy.
What do we do with the animal your kid shoots at camp?
What you want! Plan on bringing an ice chest when you pick them up- We use a little of the meat for our wild game dinner, but send the rest home. If it’s not meat you want, we can donate it. If you want the head and or hide, we will send that home too. We of course prep all trophy animals for the wall. We do not do taxidermy as part of camp, but we do know a good one or you can take it home to your taxidermist. We will skin the animal for shoulder or euro mount as you want. We can dispose of it if you do not want it. We love to see the pics of the smile when a kid puts a camp animal on his own wall! It’s all about the memories!